Zuganglichket Liste

All the lists publish every mail at the internet. As a lister you must know
that you must be careful about what kind of message you write.

Some other lists have hide the email adresses from direct sight. In that
case one must first read the message to see the e-mail address.
Or it 's a "closed" list. In that case you must be a member and probably
pay for the membership.

Nevertheless spam could came from the lists in your mailbox (from not-
listers) That's why most lists have "called themselves" (OL) or (DK) etc.
So one can see in the mailbox if it is spam or not (because than OL or DK
etc is not mentioned)

You wrote:
Dear sirs, When using Google I found that messages to and from your e-mail
adress, are open to everybody by using Google. Is this the normal procedure?
For many members of your Liste it may not seem to be a good idea that their
e-mail adress is open to everybody, yours Peter Mouton.
Oldenburg-L mailing list