It appears that I am not getting your newsletter that I was on AOL. Instead I am getting individual msgs from people writing questions to you. I would rather have your complete newsletter, if this is possible. Thank you.
It appears that I am not getting your newsletter that I was on AOL. Instead I am getting individual msgs from people writing questions to you. I would rather have your complete newsletter, if this is possible. Thank you.
Hi Edward,
Edward Gray wrote:
It appears that I am not getting your newsletter that I was on AOL.
Instead I am getting individual msgs from people writing questions
to you. I would rather have your complete newsletter, if this is
possible. Thank you.
Hannover-L isn't a newsletter but to a mailing list. For your
convenience you may recieve the messages sent to this list as a
digist. Therefore you need to change your privat settings of the
mailing list options. I suppose this is what you want.
In your case go to
and change settings at the buttom of the page. You may switch "Set
Digest Mode" to "On".
You need your password to let the changes take place. The password is
send to you every month in a reminder message.
If you need further instructions please email me privately.
Temporary mailing list administrator for Hannover-L mailing list.