Enschuldigung for writing in English, my German is too bad.
My ancestors are said to originate from Ostpreussen. That's however a bit difficult to describe accurately. The borderlines have changed too many several times over the last 500 years. So, I prefer to look for them along the Weichsel valley, mainly the area north of Neuenburg-Weichselburg, particularly Kreiz Stuhm and Marienburg.
I'm looking for researchers of the name WITTE (Wittek, Witt, Wiet or similar), or anybody having knowledge of the name(s) for further exchange of information. They are said to have migrated to Kurland very early (before 17th century), and may not have left behind any records.
Nevertheless, I'm curious to know what others may already have discovered. Looking forward to any reaction, links or answers - even in German, if I'm allowed to answer in English (Swedish of Finnish....)
Best regards