I have the same problem that you have. Borderbund bought Generations from
Sierra and have no intentions to continue the program..or fix the errors for
windowsXP. They do have a patch for the printer issue that you can download. It
helped a little. I have mine up but the screen is not clear like the old
version. I also lose saved data... so be very careful what you open up. I tried
to transfer the data to Family Tree(Do you think they bought the
compitition?) thru a gedcom and had about 623 erros if I remember correctly. I am looking
for help also.
Hallo Mary,
I am very glad that I am not alone in this. In desperation I went this afternoon and got a USB File transfer cable to enable me to just drag the files and programs over to my xp. But I can't seem to even install that one. If I succeed, I will let you know.
Also if I find a solution, I will be in touch, ok?
I looked at some similar family programs and the Legacy De Luxe seems to be sort of ok. But I really liked Generations. Also I bought recently the Family Tree Maker, but I don't like it and haven't used it. So here I am, stuck with floppies and CDs, and have thirteen years of research without knowing how to open or transfer them, since I need the Generations program.
I better be careful, like you said.
Thank you for emailing and I will be in touch.
Let me know pls. how you like the Family Tree Maker, ok?
Greetings from Canada
Also I was told by the store where I bought the pc to install the Generations program and then go into properties, click on Compatibility and then click on windows 98. It might help. I have tried and it didn't do much, and you are right, the screen colors etc. are not anywhere near as clear as they were on wind. 98.
I am beginning to wonder if I shouldn't just stick to my other tower and am sitting here pulling my hair out.
Dear Mary,
I have been reading about your problems and am wondering if you are
referring to Generations Family Tree by Sierra since that is the one I have.
I also have XP but have not installed it yet and think I am very grateful.
Please let me know of this is the same one you are referring to. I don't
know if there is any way I can help you if this is indeed the program you
have been using. There may be some way that you could make a copy of your
CD and maybe I could open it an email back to you the info but I am not at
all sure that would work either since you would need something to dump the
data into that would be compatible. Really scary to lose all that
information. Marilyn
SInce this is not about specific family information please reply to me
directly. I would truly appreciate input regarding which genealogical
programs others are using and liking as I will need to be changing from
Family Tree. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you
Dear Marilyn,
I am really worried and I must admit I never ever thought this could happen with windows xp. I have Sierra Generations de Luxe (it is discontinued and not supported), so I cannot update it. And I have about 37,000 mostly of genealogy on these CDs, but like you said, I cannot just dump it anywhere. I have to have a program to make it work. I have been looking at legacy Family tree, but again, how am I going to download my Generations, if it is not accepted?
thank you for offering to email back my discs, but it would be almost impossible.
Right now I just feel like crying, and decided to take both my towers to the store and see what they can do. When I asked today about uds.files, they could not help me either.
Thank you again
sabina. (not Mary, though Mary also has a similar problem). I promised to let her know what I am doing.
Hallo Sabina,
ich kann Dir eine GEDCOM-Datei mit knapp
70 Personen von Dir schicken, wenn Du an
Deine Daten nicht mehr herankommst.
Du hast sie mir vor langer Zeit gegeben.
Diese Daten kann ich Dir aber nur unter dieser
Mail-Adresse schicken:
"Sabina Pamfili" <sabina_canada@hotmail.com>
Alle Mails an
"sabina" <sabina@cogeco.ca>
kommen wieder als unzustellbar zur�ck.
Warum, wei� ich nicht.
Hi Marilyn and others (Deutsche �bersetzung folgt weiter unten/German
transcriptions follows),
as some of you're reporting problems and their dislike for their current
genealogical programs, has anybody of you tried Brother's Keeper by John
Steed? A almost 100% functional trial version can be download at http://www.bkwin.net scroll down to "Click here to read or DOWNLOAD version
6.1 or the update".
It's been updated more than regulary (cost free), the author is answering a
mailing-list daily (including other list members) and it has the best
usability and functions for me (just my two cents). I'm not connected to him
in any way, just a very happy user. Gedcom import should be possible, so
your long hard work will be saved (dependents if you're current software
exports every data into Gedcom).
Deutsche Version:
nachdem einige Mitglieder dieser Liste �ber Probleme mit Ihrer
Ahnenforschungssoftware berichten bzw. nicht damit zufrieden sind, habe ich
die Frage ob Ihr bereits mal Brother's Keeper von John Steed benutzt habt?
Eine fast 100% funktionsf�hige Testversion kann man unter
http:www.bkwin.net/version6.htm herunterladen. Auf dieser Seite einfach
hinunterscrollen und auf den Link "Download FULL program BKSETUP6.EXE (plus
all languages mentioned above, 15 megs) version 6.1.23 - 25-Nov-2003 klicken
(dies ist die gerade aktuellste Version), Ihr k�nnt dann sowohl das Programm
auf Deutsch installieren, als es auch in Deutsch verwenden (neben vielen
anderen Sprachen wie Norwegisch, Frnz�sisch, Deutsch, D�nisch, Isl�ndisch
und Tschechisch usw.).
Das Programm wird regelm��ig upgedated, d.h. Fehler beseitigt und Neuerungen
eingef�gt, der Author beantwortet Fragen zur Software auf einer eigenen
Mailingsliste (oder auch andere hilfsbereits Listmember) und das Programm
hat f�r mich die beste Benutzbarkeit und Funktionsumfang. Ich bin in keiner
Weise mit den Author verbunden, nur ein gl�cklicher Benutzer. Gedcom import
ist m�glich, so da� die bisherigen Daten nicht verloren gehen (solange das
bisherige Programm alle Daten im Gedcom Format auch ausgibt).
Just my two cents / Nur meine Anmerkungen zum Thema Ahnenforschungssoftware.
I'm open to more questions / Ich bin offen f�r weitere Fragen,
Hallo Eva, - - - - - - - ff - ( & Sabina, Marilyn )
die M�dchen haben ja wirklich ein Problem !!!
?? vielleicht ein guter Tipp :
1) (XP)- den PC ausschalten - dann die "0" (Null) auf dem Ziffernblock der
Tastatur (rechts - Einfg) dr�cken -
2) den PC wieder einschalten " mit gedr�ckter " Nulltaste " !!
das ist wie ein "reset" zur urspr�blichen Einstellung !!
3) bei XP : c:/md ( make directory) eingeben !
Name des neuen Ordners nicht vergessen !
4) dann die Programm-CD einlegen " und dabei die Strg-Taste
gedr�ckt halten - schlie�t automatische Installation aus !
- Wenn alle ruhig ist -
dann auf CD-Laufwerk switchen - und D:/install C:/ - Name des neuen
Directories -
somit ist wenigstens das urspr�ngliche Ahnen-Programm wieder auf dem PC -
5) Dann immer erst in dieses Directory gehen (Explorer) und versuchen
das Programm zu starten - vielleicht l�uft's ja dann -
Habe das einmal mit db (Debase) gemacht - hat geklappt !!
Ich bleibe bei meinem alten, guten WIN 98 und benutze das
Programm " AHNENGALERIE 2,0 (v. CLICK- frz.), das l�uft prima !
you'll be able to import all your Generations data from any
source media directly out of the native file system into a new
DB handled by TMG. You will lose none of your previous data
entry work.
I hate to get into these discussions of my program is better
then yours as the only way that makes any sense is if
everyone has the same knowledge of all programs being
discussed. Let's just say that once people run out of capability
with their beloved old program they upgrade to TMG.
TMG imports data directly from the following program without
having to depend on the vagaries of a GEDCOM
Family Gathering
Family Gathering BACKUP
Family Origins v4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Family Tree Maker v3-11
Legacy v3, v4, v5
Personal Ancestral File v2.x
Personal Ancestral File BACKUP v2.x
Personal Ancestral File v3.x, 4.x, 5.x
Roots IV
Roots V
The Master Genealogist v1,2,3,4
The Master Genealogist BACKUP
Ultimate Family Tree (*.PRO)
Ultimate Family Tree BACKUP (*.SQZ)
Visual Roots (*.PRO)
Visual Roots BACKUP (*.SQZ)
(GEDCOM imports are also supported for users of other
programs that are not directly supported.)
Pelican Lake Motor Coach Resort
4788 Corian Court
Naples, FL 34114
239-775-7838; 609-284-6007 (cell)
"Our country right or wrong. When right, to be kept right;
when wrong, to be put right." -- Senator Carl Schurz 1871
Thank you Fred,
A number of people on the list have replied to my online request and so
far TMG is the one most frequently recommended, the only drawback seems to
be it is not as user friendly but the flexibility seems to make it more than
worth while. I have Generations Family Tree Grand Suite which is working
fine but now that it is not longer supported and since there are so many
problems with XP it seems now is the time to change, I had been considering
do so before this problem. Thank you so much for your input. I am
definitely leaning toward TMG from all the research I have done on the
Internet it comes out on top also. Good luck in your ancestor hunting.