Hello members,
I'm not sure if this is the correct list but I would like to learn anything about the ancestors of my great grandfather and his family.....
Nicholas Willems, b.7/27/1850, m.Anna M Schmidt, d. 1/19/1928
Elizabeth Willems, b. 10/17/1879
Frank Joseph Willems b. 5/27/1882
Nicholas Willems (2), b. 7/11/1883
Christ Willems, b. 5/30/1891
Susanna Willems, b. 7/2/1893
All were born in Pickliessem, Germany and were Catholic.
Hello members,
I'm not sure if this is the correct list but I would like to learn
anything about the ancestors of my great grandfather and his
Nicholas Willems, b.7/27/1850, m.Anna M Schmidt, d. 1/19/1928
Elizabeth Willems, b. 10/17/1879
Frank Joseph Willems b. 5/27/1882
Nicholas Willems (2), b. 7/11/1883
Christ Willems, b. 5/30/1891
Susanna Willems, b. 7/2/1893
All were born in Pickliessem, Germany and were Catholic.
Frank Hellmann
Andover, MN
Pfalz-L mailing list
Pfalz-L@genealogy.net pfalz-l - genealogy.net
Hey, I think you are right. Please look www.meinestadt.de/pickliessem/home.
Also in www.familiysearch.org is Nicolas Willems namend, born there 26.July 1850 and there is
also an adress, where you found perhaps more.
Good luck
Alfred Brauch
aus dem kath. Familienbuch von Sponheim kann ich dir ein paar Eintr�ge zu
folgenden Namen anbieten:
Jung, Frisch, Mohr, Schaaf (mit einem f).
Da ich nicht wei�, ob die Orte weit von einander entfernt liegen, melde sich
bitte, wenn du interessiert bist.
danke f�r Dein Angebot. Momentan liegt mir Sponheim zu weit weg. Ich werde
Deine Mail mal aufheben und sollte die Richtung wechseln, werde ich auf Dein
Angebot zur�ck kommen.