I am sorry that I do not read German. When I saw the following, the part of deutsch-balltischer caught my eye. What does this mean? I assume it is part of a name? Thanks. DB
als Ergänzung zur angegebenen Literaturstelle:
Darlene Baltus schrieb:
I am sorry that I do not read German. When I saw the following, the part of
deutsch-balltischer caught my eye. What does this mean? I assume it is
part of a name? Thanks. DB
als Erg�nzung zur angegebenen Literaturstelle:
> Zu den "Stammtafeln deutsch-baltischer Geschlechter von Erich
> Seuberlich" gibt es ein Personenregister, bearbeitet von Hans Boettcher,
> Erschienen Winsen/Aller, 1989.
"As additional hint to the already given place in lterature :
For use of the " Genealogical tables of German-Baltic generations made by Erich
Seuberlich" there is a register of names, which is worked out by Hans Boettcher
and published in Winsen/Aller in 1989."
Greetings HPA
Darlene Baltus schrieb: ....
Sorry for have given only the half of the explanation:
"The "Baltikum": in former times the baltic province of Russia (Estland, Livland,
Kurland), lateron the baltic states of Estland and Lettland, in the literal sense
also including Lituvia" Translated after "Der Brockhaus in 16 B�nden"
"Deutschbalten": "Baltic Germans", in the 19th century abcoming name for the
German Inhabitants of the Eastsea- Provinces of the the Russian Empire. They
formed since the governance of the "Dt. Orden" (13th century) a small upper
class subjected to a ranking constitution. Until 1918 the baltic landed property
belonged to a greater part to the Germans, but was by agricultural reforms of the
becoming independant states of Estland (1919) and Lettland (1920)expropiated.
The resettlement of Germans into the region of the German Empire according to the
resettlement treaties from Okt. 1939 meant practically the End of the
german-baltic population. For the remained Germans in Lettland and Estland, which
were after 1940 expropiated by the sowjet authorities, there were fixed
compensation payments in 1991/92" Translated after "Der Brockhaus in 16 B�nden"
Hope that was the explanation, you were looking for Hans Peter Albers
deutsch-baltisch stands for German-Baltic like "German-American"
friendship for example.
Hans Peter Albers schrieb: