I am researching my family history and have traced it back to Oldenberg. Beginning in 1857, Johann Hinrich Weete was a hospital administrator for the Peter Friedrich Ludwigs Hospital which is now a museum. He had seven children and I can account for the four male children. However, I have been unable to trace the female children. Their names are Wilhelmine Dorothee Caroline Weete, Friederike Helene Wilhelmine Weete and Johanne Franzisca Weete. It is believed that two of the daughters were living in Germany in 1930.
I am wondering if anyone recognized the name 'Weete' as a maiden name for any of their ancestors.
Oldenburg-L mailing list
Hi John!
In the "Oldenburger Häuserbuch" Teil 2 from Günther Wachtendorf I found:
Schäferstr. 21 (früher 6)
Eigentümer bzw. Bewohner:
1890 Ersparungskassenbuchhalter Karl Johann Gerhard Hartmanns Ehefrau Johanne Franziska geb. Weete
Adreßbuchauszüge um das Jahr:
1930 Rechnungsrat a.D. K. Hartmann (E)
1940 Witwe Johanne Hartmann (E)
So this is one of the daughters married with Karl Johann Gerhard Hartmann.
Roggemannstr. 28 (früher 17)
Eigentümer bzw. Bewohner:
1887 Kaufmann Ferdinand Weetes Witwe Bertha Henriette geb. Diekmann
Nadorster Str. 32
1854 Johann Hinrich Weete und Ehefrau Johanne Emilie Henriette geb. Regahl durch Kauf
1856 Sophie Catharine Wilhelmine Ankermann durch Kauf
Johann Hinrich Weete was the owner of Nadorster Str. 32 for 2 years.
Greetings from Germany,