Hallo Listenmitglieder, hello listers,
English version below!
ich weiss, dass dies normalerweise kein Thema fuer eine genealogische Liste
ist. Vielleich kann mich aber jemand aus den Listen aufklaeren.
Seit Freitag (oder Donnerstag) dieser Woche, also seit ungefaehr
03./04.10.2002 erhalte ich Mails von mir voellig unbekannten Absendern.
Sie haben einem Betriff, manchmal ein Datum und einen Absender, ohne "an:".
Aus den Texten schliesse ich, dass sie an Mailinglisten gerichtet sind.
Eine Mail hatte einen Anhang, den ich natuerlich nicht geoeffnet habe.
Bin ich Opfer des neuen Bugbear Virus weil meine email-Adresse in einigen
Adressbuechern von Listenmitgliedern steht?
I know that this is "off topic" but maybe someone in these lists can
enlighten me.
Since friday (or thursday) 3. or 4. Oct 2002 I get emails from absolut
unknown senders. The mails have a subject line, sometimes a date and a
sender. Never a line "To:". Refering to the text I assume that these mails
are from listers. One mail had an attachement that I naturally have not
Am I a victim of the new Bugbear virus as some listers has my email adress
in their adress book?
Viele Gruesse / many greetings
Waltraud Render-Genilke
Moin Waltraud Render-Genilke,
zur Mail vom Sat, 05 Oct 2002 10:55:17 +0200:
Bin ich Opfer des neuen Bugbear Virus weil meine email-Adresse in einigen
Adressbuechern von Listenmitgliedern steht?
Ja. L�schen. Warnung an Absender sinnlos, da gef�lscht. Bitte keine
Am I a victim of the new Bugbear virus as some listers has my email adress
in their adress book?
Yes. Delete. Warning to sender useless since adress is faked. Please no
virus discussion.
Anything that looks suspicious should never be opened.
That includes "missing" to lines, no subject lines and
attachments from people that you do not know.
When a worm or such virus enters your system (or for
that matter anyone else that has sent a message to you in
the past) it can activate old and new addresses and
multiply itself.......which is the problem with such things.
Just keep your current virus protection current!
Just for a moment you people out there that develop
this sort of havoc. Is there no way you can turn your
talents to something that can better the condition of your
fellow man? I do not understand your joy in such matters
anymore than I understand religious wars and mass
murderers.......but that is another subject.
Regards, Robert Lipprandt