On genlias.nl website, there is additional information now besides the marriages and deaths. On the botton of some, such as a marriage there is this information:
beroep bg.: timmerman; beroep bruid: zonder beroep; beroep vader bg.: timmerman; beroep moeder bg.: green beroep vermeld; beroep vader bd.: landbouwer; beroep moeder bd.: zonder beroep.
This, I assume, is in German? I would so appreciate your translating each word because then I can check the other records for those same words and try to translate myself. Thank you in advance. It's folks like you that make a wonderful difference in tracing our families. DB
Hi Darlene,
it is Dutch! Itt says:
professiom groom: carpenter; profession bride: none; profession father
groom: carpenter; profession mother groom: no profession mentioned;
profession father bride: farmer, profession mother bride : without
Hi Darlene
The language is dutch, www.genlias.nl is the dutch site for civil registry
beroep bg.: timmerman; beroep bruid: zonder beroep; beroep vader bg.:
timmerman; beroep moeder bg.: green beroep vermeld;
beroep = profession
bg. = short for bruidegom = groom
bruid = bride
zonder beroep = without profession
timmerman = carpenter
moeder = mother
g(r)een beroep vermeld = no profession stated
beroep vader bd.: landbouwer; beroep moeder bd.: zonder beroep.
landbouwer = farmer
bd. = bruid = bride
There are one or two online translation facilities on the internet for dutch
<-> english.
Thank you very much for the translation. This has been a wonderful help! DB