I am Andrea Wieters, decentant of the Wieters of Norddrebber. One of the
other contributors to this list sent me a picture of a house with the following
paragraph. Can someone translate it for me? Also, is it common for the
eldest son to take over the home of his father? Do the parents continue to live
there with the son and his wife? Also, it appears that at the time of
publishing, a Wieters still lived in this home. What is the format I need to
address a letter to this home? Lastly, does anyone know where I can get a copy
of the book, "Norddrebber 990-1990" written by Hans Ehlich?
Anbauerstelle 28 (cc), JETZT: Hauptstraße 38.
Besitzer: Friedrich Wieters
Hofname: Rüschen - nach Jürgen Rüsche, 1802/1837 genannt
Laut Kaufvertrag vom 28. Dezember 1868 kaufte Heinrich Friedrich WIETERS die
Stelle von Jürgen Heinrich Blanke. Das Haus war durch den Brand von 1868
teilweise zerstört. Es wurde von Heinrich Friedrich Wieters wieder
1763 married Johann Heinrich Rüsche - Ilse Marie Bocks
1801 married Jürgen Ruesche - Annemaire Lindemann
1825 married Catharina Marie Rüsche - Kanonier Jürgen Heinrich Blanke von
der Hufe
(1834/1894) Heinrich Friedrich WIETERS - Marie Dorothee Johanne Blitz aus
Ahlden (1835/1891)
(1865/1944) Heinrich Friedrich WIETERS - Marie Georgine Meta Prinzhorn aus
Stöckendrebber (1867/1925)
(1894/1953) Hermann WIETERS - Marie Caroline Heidorn, Mandelsloh (1893/1968)
1925* born Friedrich WIETERS - Gisela Günther, Norddrebber born 1935*
Grundbesitz 1837: 7,11 Mg
Grundbesitz 1989: 3,29 ha