The name of Woida

I have been trying to find my grandfather's place of birth. On all the
papers that I found, he just stated Hanover. I do not know anything as to
where this is, or how to go about tracing the name of Friedrich Woida, born
on September 18, 1848. At one time, it was stated in his papers, the town
of Hammer. I do not know if that is an error in translation I am now doing
the Woida genealogy tree, and I cannot go any further in his background.
His parents were listed as Andreas Woida and Mary, or Maria, Donde, or

Any suggestions would be appreciated, or, if any of you have heard this
name and can identify something for me, that would be helpful.

Bernadine Woida Tucker

I just did a google search and then looked on Google Earth. There is a Bohmisch Hammer, Oberwiesenthal, Germany. It is near the Northeast/Southwest boundary between Germany and the Czeck Republic.

I am not from Germany so there may be others.