Surname THIEL

I am searching for information on THIEL, HELMUT KURT WILLI, and his parents. Helmut was born 29 Dec. 1913,
Breslau, Schlesien, Germany. He died March 1987, Peine, Nieder, Sachsen, Germany. Any information would
be greatly appreciated.

Floyd Rucks


thats not the right list. This list is concerning SACHSEN-ANHALT, not

Andrei Zahn

Hallo Liste,

Floyd war in der Sachsen-Anhalt Liste gelandet.
Vielleicht kann ihm jemand helfen. Falls, sollte er direkt angeschrieben

Viele Gr��e INGO

I am searching for information on THIEL, HELMUT KURT WILLI, and his
parents. Helmut was born 29 Dec. 1913,
Breslau, Schlesien, Germany. He died March 1987, Peine, Nieder,
Sachsen, Germany. Any information would
be greatly appreciated.

Floyd Rucks