Summe in Hannover

My first post to the list - Greetings all!

According tho the US census from 1860 my family of "Summe" came from this area.
Anyone find this name in their tree?

What I do know is that Henry was born about 1825 and died before 1880 in the
USA. He came to America before 1856. His wife Louisa also came from the same

Long shot? I know.

take care

Welcome Liz:

When I first looked at the name Summe, I thought: "not
very German". But when I looked it up SUMME in German =
SUM in English. There are probably some variations on the

How sure are you about the spelling?

My first thought was Kumme, a name which existed in the
Hanover (Hoya). Although I don't think that the old
German K could be confused with the old S.

On the other hand, the census taker in 1860 could have been from, say England, Ireland, Scotland, etc. When you look at early census in the U.S., it pays to check the name of the census taker. They usually sign at the end of their enumeration district.

I am sure you will be getting, more helpful, responses from others on the list.

Researching the B�sche's of Anderten - Hoya

lol, thanks for the chuckle - that would explain my love for math!

Heard the name pronounced "Sue-me" but cannot tell from my dictionary if this
is how it is pronounced in German.

The family was indexed under Lumm in the 1880 census, but written S and L are
very similar in old script handwriting.

take care