Seeking Frankenstein and Miloslawsky families

Dear Annette,

Am seeking info on Samuel Frankenstein and family from Prussia. He was born in 1837.

In the "Quassowski" I found a FRANKENSTEIN, lord of a manor in the town of Wiese,
close to Hirschfeld. 1900 he was a member of the "Prussia"-Society and this
since Nov., 19th 1894. The first name is not mentioned, however, age-wise this
information could "fit" Samuel. It would help a lot, if you knew where he was

Also looking for information on Dora Miloslawsky and family. She had a brother Wolff and a sister. Family came to US in 1860. She was born in Prussia in 1838.

Sorry, the name MILOSLAWSKY is not in this list. :frowning:

Kind regards from Germany --- Gisela

PS: Close to where I live is a small town with the name of "Frankenstein".
This name comes from knights who lived in this area. Their fort (Burg) is a ruin
now. Maybe some emigrated to East-Prussia?