Searching for Megger family members / ich suche vor Megger Famielie

Welcome / Willkomen

I will try to write to this multilingual list in both English and German,
but no one of these is my native language so sorry for any mistakes:-)

Ich probire zu schreiben in beide Englisch und Deutsch aber mein naturliech
sprache ist polnisch. Deshalb entshuldige ich fur meine Fehlere :slight_smile:

It is easier for me to write in English so here I will write more J Last
weekend I started to search for any of sign of my family. Two years ago my
grandmother has died. We don't know much about her past. There are many
questions that we can't answer. But from beginning - what do we know:

My grandma name was Franciszka Megger (Gesiak - after marriage). She was
born in Cekcyn (Cekzin) near Tuchola (Tuchel) on 26th April of 1922. In
Church's books she is noticed as a Franciszek (male). Other data are the
same as we know: Father - Franciszek Megger (forest ranger), Mother - Marta
Gliszczynska . Another strange think is that first annotation in church is
that her mother name was Anna. Later someone has corrected it to Marta.

In City Hall (Cekcyn - Cekzin) there is also an act of birth of her. There
is also information that on this day Franciszek (male) was born. But there
is also annotation about "change of sex" in 50ties. Grandma told us of this,
because it occured when she wanted to marry. (Another strange think is that
there is no annotation in church of her marriage. )

I tried to find something about my great-grandfather, but I stucked. As I
know he was a forester in Skrajna (Reihergrund) near Cekcyn, Tuchola just
before the Second World War. As my grandma was saying he was shot with her
two brothers during war for hiding (helping) guerrillas (partisans). Her
mother died year or two after grandma was born.

Interesting thing from my grandpa stories was that her older sister run away
with some german officer just before War. We don't know were.

This weekend I had talked with about 10 people from Megger family (from
Cekcyn, Sliwice, Zalesie, .) . Nobody remembered any forester in family, or
anything that I wrote before. I also was on three cemetaries nearby. I
found many graves of Meggers. If someone is interested I can send photos.

Now I have only one suspicion. In church books I found another two children
of Franciszek Megger in Cekcyn, but both had another mother - Anna Olszowy
(Olszowianka). Maybe first wife? Maybe my grandfather had a romance? I don't

If anyone knows anything about this family please let me know. Also another
people interested in reaserch of this name please contact me - I will send
you detailed information what have I found.

In few days I will start a website about Megger's J

Thanks in advance for any help!!

Ich kenne Deutsch schelchter als Englisch so ich kann nicht so viel

Ich suche vor einer Information uber Megger Familie. Meine Grossmutter heist
Franciszka Megger. Sie hat in Cekcyn (Cekzin) neben Tuchola (Tuchel)
gewohnen. Ihr Vater Name was Franciszek Gesiak. Er war ein Foerster in
Skrajna (Reihergrund) bis die Zweite Welt Krieg. Ich habe keine mehr
Information uber Ihm. Also ich wiesst nicht uber Mutter von meine Grossmuter
- nur ihr Name - Marta Gliszczynska.

Meine Grossmutter sagt uns dass ihre Vater und zwei Bruedere am anfang der
Krieg erschiesen war. Ihre Mutter stirbt (sterben) wenn sie klein war.

Letztens war ich in Cekcyn (Cekzin), Tuchola (Tuchel) und Gegend. Ich habe
mit 10 Megger Famielien geschprochen. Auch habe ich viele Fotos von Graben

Ich kann Sie mehr sagen oder Fotos verschieken. Wenn sie mehr Informationen
haben, bitte schreiben Sie mir.

Nach einige Tage ich will mehr Information on website ( )
schreiben J

Danke sich von vornherein vor ihre Hilfe!

Best Regards / Gruessen

Wojtek Piatkowski

Wroclaw (Wroclove J ) / Breslau

Poland / Polen

Hello Wojtek
    With Your search of Your ancesters , I believe that You wil have to
search the Census / civil records , however You may find some online records
in the following links;

Hello Wojtek;
    I clicked the " send " button too fast ( ha ).

    With Your search of Your ancesters , I believe that You will have to
search the Census / civil records , however You may find some online records
in the following links;
Check out

    Just fill out the blanks , and click " search " , or " go "

    If the records are not entered , then You may have to order some films ,
of that town, of that time ,
from the FHC library

    Karl Roussin