Scharnberg/Scharenberg Genealogy

I am searching for the wife and parents of Johann Joachim Chr Scharnberg. He was born January 8, 1800. He had the following children: Friederich Johann Scharnberg (born about 1828), Heinrich/Henry Herbert Scharnberg (born June 1836), Georg Scharnberg (born March 3, 1841). Other probable children are: Lisette Maria Friedrike Scharnberg, Mary Scharnberg, Ann Scharnberg (born about 1845). The three brothers all list their hometown as Neuenkirchen, Mecklenburg Schw., Germany. The father and three sons (possibly three sisters also) came to the United States in 1855 and settled in Austin and Fayette counties in the state of Texas. They sailed from the port of Hamburg on the Ema Lincoln sailing vessel.

Friederich Johann and Georg married sisters, Anna Friederike Albrecht and Ida Albrecht. The father of the women was Charles/Carl John/Johan Albrecht from Wolgast, Prussia.

I have a great amount of information on the descendents of the Albrechts and the Scharnbergs that I will share with anyone who is interested. If you have any information on the ancestors of either of these families, I would very much like to communicate with you. I can be reached at Tommy G. Emmons