Re: Wulf & Brinkmann

Thanks everyone. Rena, I've seen the Focke-Wulf planes mentioned during my
google searches for Wulf. I hadn't ever heard of them before then, but my
18-year-old son, who reads books on military planes, weapons, and tactics, sure knew
about them. Speaking of POWs, one of my dad's Wulf cousins was logging Nazi
POWs in at an Allied camp in Europe (France? England?) when he ran across a
prisoner named Wulf. He questioned him through an interpreter - sure enough, they
were cousins.

Barbie, I tried the website URL you gave me and for some reason it keeps
telling me the page has expired. I'll keep trying.

Barbara, my Wulfs were/are Catholic, so the Brinkmanns probably were, too.
Hadn't thought of doing research specifically on Catholics - good idea!

Thanks again.


Hello Linda,

       Since your family was Catholic, you might look at this website:

       If you haven't seen this site before, it is about the people of
Hannover who lived in the area near the Ems river--called the Emsland. They
tended to be Catholic and there were many emigrants. On the address above,
if you scroll down you will see a Brinkman. The spelling with only one "n"
is not significant. Wulf may be Wulff in some records.

      Perhaps this family may be related to yours. You could contact the
person on the homepage where there is an email address and see if you could
find the person who submitted the Brinkman name.
     That whole website is an interesting one.
