In an earlier message you mentioned Ripley County, Indiana. Do you have
any more information about where they lived, etc? Is the Cemetery you
mention in Ripley County? There are many Schroders in the New and Old
Finks Cemeteries north of Osgood, and many living descendants in the
My father's mother was Christina Schroder, a daughter of John Henry
Schroder. As I recall he was born in 1840 and killed in a buggy accident
about 1880. I don't know anything about his parents or siblings, but
have been hoping to find out.
Leon Follmer
Savoy, Illinois
My Schroeder family lived in Laughery Township, near Batesville in northern Ripley County. They may have lived in other parts of Ripley Co.; I just don't know. I do know that there are many, many John Henry Schroeders, which makes the search so difficult. I have also run across a lot of Christina Schroeders.
Thanks for letting me know about the Finks Cemeteries. I've been trying to access the website with Ripley Co. cemeteries, but there seems to be a problem with it today. I will check that out as soon as possible. My g grandfather had a brother named John Henry, but he was born about 1860, according to census and passenger list information. I've lost track of John Henry, and don't know what happened to him. My branch of the family moved to Texas in 1907, and apparently soon lost touch with the family in Indiana, so I know very little about the Schroeder family. I wish I had family stories about them. Most of my information is from records that show them living in Jackson, Jennings, Knox, and Ripley Counties at various times.
If I find a family that looks like it could be yours, I'll let you know.