One of my ancestors is listed on the 1891 census as being born in what looks like Leaclslan or Liedsham or similar in Hannover.
I cannot find any trace of such a name and believe that it may contain transcription errors. Can anyone suggest what it may be?
Many thanks
It's a wild guess, but could it be HILDESHEIM??
Hello Chris,
I have found this webpage to be helpful in locating a town:
If you are looking for Hannover towns, you would look for
Niedersachsen. This list is by no means complete.
What is your ancestor's name? There may be other ways to find the place
of birth.
Good luck, Barbara
Chris Roxburgh schrieb:
What would you think of sending a scan of the written name to me and the others
already answering ? Greetings Hans Peter Albers