[OL]Re: Oldenburg-L digest, Vol 1 #569 - VORWERK

I have the name VORWERK/SCHWEPE in my family history. Also from the
Emstek/Cloppenburg/Vestrup area.
What are your VORWERK names, dates,and area in Germany?

Hallo Rose,

ich haben folgende Vorwerk in meinen Daten:
Dietrich August Vorwerk, *15-08.1841 in Emstek
Er ist ausgewandert und Priester geworden. Priesterweihe in Mt. Calvary /
Wisc. am 06.06.1868, Seelsorger in New York, Ordenprovinzial in Detroit.
(Daten aus dem Jahrbuch des "Oldenburger M�nsterland" aus dem Jahre 1982.)
Johann Wessel Nikolaus Vorwerk, Emstek
Christina Grave, ?
Es gibt noch weitere Vorwerk in Cappeln, N�he Emstek.
Otto Osterkamp, Emstek
E-Mail: otto.osterkamp@nwn.de

Hi Rose,
I have one Vorwerk in my database (source: Lothar Grafe):
Johann Bernhard Vorwerk, * 04.12.1827 Osterhusen, oo
13.06.1857 Maria Angela Backhaus in Cappeln, + 16.02.1890.
For more information please ask Lothar (haesli2@yahoo.com).

RMoore5986@aol.com schrieb:

Hi, Mr. Moore,

I have got relatives named VORWERK - they came from
the Cappeln area (not far from

Unfortunately I�ve got my lists not here. I�ll send
them to you as soon as I got them...

Finally I wish you the best for the New Year 2002 -
including HEALTH, God�s blessing and SUCCESS.

Lothar Grafe from Osnabr�ck, Lower Saxony, Germany