Good morning,
I am looking for the NEUHAUS surname. I've looked in Wurttemberg and
Oldenberg areas and have not found one NEUHAUS. Someone told me to look in
Hannover. Has anyone run into this name?
My great grandmother Lena NEUHAUS came to Cincinnati Ohio in the early
1870's. Her birthdate is March 8, 1849. This year might be a few years off
.Census records change the year sometimes. Lena was Catholic so I'm looking
for places that would be Catholic. Any help is appreciated.
Do you know if she died and is buried in Cincinnati? If so, have you
looked for her cemetery records? The place of birth (the actual town) was
listed on my great grandparents' Catholic cemetery records. That is highly
unusual, though, but it's worth a shot. Also, do you know if she had an
obituary written in one of the German language newspapers in Cincinnati?
Sometimes the place of birth is listed in it. And did she have any sons
who would have filled out a WWI draft card? The draftee had to include the
place of birth of both parents, and my grandpa listed the town his father
was born in. So if you can find WWI draft cards, that may give you
If you need any help with Cincinnati and Catholic genealogy stuff, just let
me know. Almost all of my ancestors immigrated to Cincinnati or Covington
from Germany, and they were all Catholic.
Good luck.
Marti Kerkhoff Wallace
Good morning,
I am looking for the NEUHAUS surname. I've looked in Wurttemberg and
Oldenberg areas and have not found one NEUHAUS. Someone told me to look in
Hannover. Has anyone run into this name?
My great grandmother Lena NEUHAUS came to Cincinnati Ohio in the early
1870's. Her birthdate is March 8, 1849. This year might be a few years off
.Census records change the year sometimes. Lena was Catholic so I'm looking
for places that would be Catholic. Any help is appreciated.
Good morning,
I am looking for the NEUHAUS surname. I've looked in Wurttemberg and
Oldenberg areas and have not found one NEUHAUS. Someone told me to look in
Hannover. Has anyone run into this name?
My great grandmother Lena NEUHAUS came to Cincinnati Ohio in the early
1870's. Her birthdate is March 8, 1849. This year might be a few years off
.Census records change the year sometimes. Lena was Catholic so I'm looking
for places that would be Catholic. Any help is appreciated.
I have been working on this for over 20 years. Place of birth at the
cemetery has Germany. Census records has Germany except one that lists
Hannover. I haven't found any Catholic Church records for Hannover. She is
buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in St. Bernard. She has a small obituary in
the Cincinnati newspapers but nothing in the German newspapers. She had
only one child my grandfather Charles. I have is military records but they
don't have a place listed in Germany where his mother was born. On her
death record it has Mr. Neuhaus as her father. This is my brick wall and I
was looking for any help or ideas that might give me some new areas to
search. Do you have any other ideas?
Hi Janet,
Neuhaus is a rather common name in Germany. The most Neuhaus today are
living in Northrhine-Westfalia. Look here:
Catholics in 1849 are rather seldom in Hannover. Focusses are the
Osnabrück-area (on the border to Northrhine-Westfalia) and the
Hildesheim-area, but whithout information about the birthplace it will be
the search of a needle in a haystack. Mostly the Germans settled in the near
of former neighbours or people of their old county. Perhaps this is a way to
get some hints.
Wilhelm (Thiele)
The president of the Genealogy Society in Cincinnati told me that there
were many Germans that came from Osnabruck to Cincinnati.Also the town
Augsberg. Do you know where I can find Catholic records for those two towns>
Hi Janet,
there are only two very small Augsberg-villages in Germany. Probably You
mean Augsburg. This is a lutheran city in Bavaria, some hundred kilometers
south of the Osnabrück area. I am neither a specialist for the region nor
catholics, but there is a genealogy society in Osnabrück. Look at their
webside: You'll find their a contact-adress and information
abiut churchbooks too.
Good lick
Wilhelm (Thiele)
Dear Mr.Thiele !
Augsburg was 485 km in the South of Osnabrück in the North
i living in Augsburg
Greetings Stefan Pusinelli
Hi Janet,
From, I see there was a Helene Neuhaus arriving on SS Hermann from Bremen to New York on 30 Oct 1871. This Helene (nickname for Helene is Lena) was 17 years old, making the year of birth appr 1853. She appears to be traveling alone.
Unfortunately (if this is your Lena), the passenger manifest only gives "Germany" as the place of origin. If you don't have this manifest and would like a copy, I can send it to you, if you wish. Perhaps there are other names on the manifest that you may recognize.
Re the name, my own g-g-grandmother was referred by her family as Lena, but she was baptised in Germany as Magdalena, and most German and US records referred to her as Helene/Helena.
If you haven't already, please be sure to collect the marriage and death certificates (and whatever other certificates you can find) of all of Lena's children, not just your direct ancestor. I have found the place of origin, or at least strong clues to the origin, from the documents of the siblings, as many of these forms also ask for the place of birth of the parents. You may get lucky.
For example, I had nothing indicating exactly where my g-g-grandmother was born, other than a census record that stated she was born Hanover, a marriage record of her son stating his mother was born in Oxenburg (I was told Ossenbrügge is Plattdeutsch for Osnabrück), and a photo of a later return visit to the old country that was taken in Cloppenburg. She was Catholic, and so through process of elimination in that small Catholic area in the Osnabrück diocese south of Cloppenburg, I found her birth in Ankum.
Good luck with your detective work.
B Rgds
Linda Kramer-Edwards
I just want to thank everyone for all the replies to my posting on NEUHAUS.
I have a lot to check out now. Things I never checked before. The Helene
you found arriving on 30 Oct. 1871 could be my great grandmother. I never
found her in any census before 1880. I have her marriage record in
Cincinnati Dec. 1, 1872. The witnesses for her marriage were two men I
can't connect to. If she came here by herself I'm sure she didn't have a
female to witness her marriage.
I do have Ancestry so I'll make a copy tonight and keep it handy. Who knows
I might need it.
I am having some problems with some of the websites that were suggested to
look at for Neuhaus. Is there any that I can translate to English?
By using her married name (Hamilton Co. marriage info found on Family
Search), I searched the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER for her. I found a few
interesting mentions for Lena. Do you know if she was a "bondsman?" If
so, you may want to check with the courthouse or the genealogical society
to find out if she would have had to fill out paperwork and provide
information on her background in order to become one. I have no idea what
(if any) the requirements were for bondsmen for Cincinnati, Hamilton
County, State of Ohio in the late 1800's. But it may be worth checking
Why would you think Lena was a bondsman? I know she had property that she
bought and sold. She also was part owner of her husband's saloon that was
up in a sheriff's sale but they ended up buying it back. What all did you
find? The only thing I found on her in the Cincinnati newspapers was her
obituary. She is listed as Lena Rudershauser( her married name).
I know that there was another Lena Neuhaus because she in buried in Vine
Street Cemetery.
Thanks for looking,
I found a few mentions in the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER of her paying people's
bonds. I also found another mention of her renting rooms out to young
women. This was all in the late 1890's. I'd be happy to transcribe these
few things for you, if you'd like. If so, would you like me to send them
to your e-mail address?
Do you have a Kenton Co. (Covington, KY) library card? They have a great
genealogy section, and one of the things they have available online is the
CINCINNATI ENQUIRER from the mid 1800's-early 1920's. In order to access
the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, you have to have a library card #.