Meyer of Hannover

Hello, list members.

   My ancestors (Meyer and Grassmann) also came from Hannover. As far as
   I can tell, from Hoesseringen (or Oldendorf, a small village nearby).
   It seems their names are entered in the Suderburg church.

   It seems the Meyers came to America in 1854. The Grassmann family may
   have come as late as 1857. All settled in Minnesota.

   I have not been able to document their names on ship manifests.

   Thank you for assistance.

   Edward H Meyer, g g grandson of these people.

   --- Edward Meyer

   --- [1]

   --- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.



Hello Edward,
        I remember you from a couple years ago. You were going to travel to
Germany to see that area where your ancestors came from. Were you able to do

      Are you aware that the LDS have records for Suderburg? There are
church records from 1575-1962. Are you near a LDS center where you could
order and view those microfilms? That may be tedious, but you should find
what you are looking for.
