Meaning from map

Can any one help me with meaning on map? I found a title „Hospital Darf“ right above village name. You can see it there:
Kaitinnen – GenWiki Schroetterkarte (1796-1802) 1:50 000

What can it be?

Greetings from Memel

I think it should be Hospitaldorf.

Before the Prussians introduced general taxation for everyone, the peasants were liable to pay taxes to their feudal lords. These could be nobles or monasteries.
Hospices were a special case, whose care was secured by the founder of the institution through the income of a number of farms or villages. These villages were then called Hospitaldorf, as opposed to noble or royal estates like Adlig Katinnen or Königlich Katinnen.

Elbing also had some Hospitaldorfs nearby.

Thank you for your answer! By the way this stamp was found nearby

on stamp is „Kaitinnis“ so it means surname if name of the place are „Kaitinnen“ ?

Kaitinnis looks like the lithuanian spelling of the German place name Katinnen.
But I am not sure if it was a surname of someone too.