My thanks to all on the list,
don�t know, where the E-mail made some rest, but at last, some time in the night
it finaly did arrive. J�rgen Drees 1.message I had soon, so that worked in that
way. To Barbara Stewart my special thank for the web-address for ship-lists. So
every thing with the l i s t seems - as far as I can see - to work again quite
normal. Withe the E-mail was a bit as in real life, to get into is not the pro-
blem, come out again makes the difficulties.
As I had already a lot of success in my own research through the list, so maybe
the list in the end did more for me then the other way round. But will try to
continue to let profit others from what I have got some knowledge.
With wishes for good luck to us all at a time, when war death records are opened
again, sincerely Hans Peter Albers