Lesehilfe in Ostercappeln

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1761 Jul 25
eodem xx xx Carolus Wilhelmus Mues xx in Bramsche & Engter & xx virgo Maria Henrietta Klövekorn xx xx sponsi usw Carolo Wilhelmo Klövekorn Gograf Wittlage

Hi Fred! I read:

1762 Jul 25 [note the year]
eodem Praenobilis Dmni Carolus Wilhelmus Mues[?] pra temp[?] in Bramsche et Engter et Praenobilii virgo Maria Henrietta Klovekorn ambo Cath. presentibus Fratre sponsi N Mues or. Eius Fr. Benedicti professo et sacerdoti in Iburg et Patre sponsa D. Carolo Wilhelmo Klovekorn Gogrewo hujate.

At the end Gograf hier. Seems like the other sponsor was a prieest and professor in Iburg.

…eodem Praenobilis Dmus = Dominus Carolus Wilhelmus MUES praefectus in Bramsche et Engter et Praenobilis virgo Maria Henrietta KLOVEKORN ambo Cath: praesentibus Fratre sponsi N MUES or: (= here ordinatus) Dmÿ S.(= sancti) Benedicti professo et sacerdoti in Iburg et Patre sponsae D:(= Domino) Carolo Wilhelmo Gogrovio Hujate.

1762 Jul 25
(were married) the same day the illustrious sir Carl Wilhelm MUES bailiff in Bramsche and Engter and the illustrious maiden Maria Henrietta KLOVEKORN both Catholics in the presence of the bridegroom’s brother N. MUES ordained benedictine monk and priest in Iburg (today Bad Iburg) and the bride’s father sir Carl Wilhelm KLOVEKORN Gograf/Gaugraf here

Gograf = Gaugraf Gaugraf - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Centgericht – Wikipedia - sorry no article in English found. He was a criminal judge in the bailiwick.

Best wishes from France
Colette (Llorca)