KRUEGER (with PETERS?) in Malow

Hello Penny,
         In searching for the parents of my Johann Jochim ZARNDT I came
across a Magdelena Sophia KRUEGER. I will; give you the site & how to find a
listing for 12 Kruegers. Most of these are before the Sophia you seek but it
may give you sdome other places to search. These 12 are found in
Schwinkendorf and Basedow.

Go to:


         Under Surname type Krueger. Under "Region" select Germany. Under
"Batch Number" type 8035721. Don't type anything else just click on

         Repeat & type Kroeger for 3 other listings.

         To find the marriage of the first listing Magdalena Sophia to Johann
Jochim Zarndt and that of Johann Christian Kroeger/Krueger to Maria Dorothea
Zahrndt and Andreas Zarndt and Catharina Krueger/Kroeger (22 Oct 1696)
leave out the surname. You will see listings of several Zarndt/Zahrndts.

         Jo Westendorf Banks researching: ZARNDT, SEEMANN, JOEHNKE, FRAHM