I am seeking information about the following people, all relatives of mine.
(1) Paul Tshacksch who resided in Magdeburg early 1924 . He is the brother of Henrietta Elizabeth Augusts Krone nee Tschacksch born February 2 1875 In Magdeburg.
(2) Marie Krone circa late 1800s who resided in Huddelsen or Magdeburg and is the mother of Heinrich Karl Robert Krone born on December 6, 1874 in Huddelsen.
(3) Ella Winna Wrorshire Krone born 1900 in Magdeburg.
(4) Burial place of Walter Karl Krone born in 1903 in Magdeburg.
The Krone family were members of the St Ambrosius Church in Magdeburg before emigrating to America in the mid 1920s.
Please email any information that you may have or suggestions of where I might find the information I am seeking.
Thank you
Quintin Villanueva