Historisches Ortslexikon Bucken

I have recently read a copy of a book titled
    “ Historisches Ortslexicon für Brandenburg
    Teil V111
    Lieselott Enders 1986”

The ISBN number for this book is 3 - 7400 - 0042 - 2

This is an excellent book as I have ancestors who came from the
Uckermark and also from Mecklenburg to Australia and It gives me
information on the towns and villages where they once lived.

My question is are there any other Ortslexicon books in this series? If
there are, can anyone please tell me if they are still available or is there
anyone who owns a copy of a Teil for the Prignitz, Brandenburg and also for

I would be very interested in hearing from someone who might have
information regarding these Ortslexicon Books.

I have one other question please. There is an old german Land
measurement called in this book Mg.

Can anyone please tell me what this abbreviation referred to as an area
of land. Thanks


Noel Bergman

RESEARCHING: Bergmann,Stumer,Wellbrock,Schroedter,Schroeder,Voje,Koehler,Paul,VichelGottschalk,Zabel,
O'Neill,Ryan,Kenny,Hoey,Fulloon,Wittkopp,Drafts,Stewart,McSwain,Raper,de Walpol,Eckersley,Wallace,

I have recently read a copy of a book titled
  “ Historisches Ortslexicon für Brandenburg [...]

My question is are there any other Ortslexicon books in this series?
If there are, can anyone please tell me if they are still available or
is there anyone who owns a copy of a Teil for the Prignitz,
Brandenburg and also for Mecklenburg?

For Mecklenburg there is a book called "Verzeichnis saemtlicher
Ortschaften der Grossherzogtuemer Mecklenburg-Schwerin und - Strelitz
(mit Ausnahme der Staedte) : in alphabetischer Reihenfolge . : nach
amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet, 6. Ausgabe,
Erschienen:Guestrow : Opitz, 1912, Umfang:150 S.

Available in some university libraries, for example:

If you would like to search and find a town in Mecklenburg online,
try this: http://www.math.uni-rostock.de/~mfp/orte/index_.html

I have one other question please. There is an old german Land
measurement called in this book Mg.
Can anyone please tell me what this abbreviation referred to as an
area of land.

Morgen means acre. One Morgen is 2500 meter square.

Burkhard Schenk


I am a little confused. I understand a 2 meter square (2 meters on each
side) to be 4 square meters. So, I think a 2500 meter square would be
larger than an acre. Would it clear up my confusion if I understood 2500
square meters.

Bob Vircks
Seattle, Washington, USA

Yes, this is exactly what I meant. Thank you.

Hi Noel,

I am sorry but we haven't any books about MEC like the beautiful Ortslexikon
of the Uckermark by Liselott ENDERS and the other Vols. A very little step
to that way is the "Handbuch der Historischen St"atten Deutschlands. Bd.
XII: Mecklenburg/Pommern" [ISBN 3-520-31501-7], but there you'll find only
infs about more and most important towns and villages of that area.

The "Verzeichnis saemtlicher Ortschaften [...]" Burkhard Schenk namend and
other of such printouts since the late 18th century only enclosed facts
about the towns or villages at the printing time of the booklets - names of
the villages, their owners, post stations and so on. Not any historical or
statistical informations like the Ortslexikon. I guess the different between
the the points of historical researches at Brandenburg and MEC should be
more the half century ;-((
