Herrmann /Thieme from Merrane

Hi my name is Barbara Oberlee and I am looking for a family of Herrmann
who was born in Meerane Saxony Germany

I have just recived information from the
Landratsamt Chemnitzer Land
SG Organisation/Kreisarchiv

in the infromation they had sent was the following

Friedrich Augusst Herrmann
b. Dec 26, 1837 in Elsterberg by Plauen
married friederike Wilhelmine Hassler on Feb. 7, 1864 in Meerane
Died April 1, 1892

Friederike Wilhelmine Herrmann maiden name - Hassler lived in Meerane,
Schrotergosse 169 no further infromation available.

2nd wife of Friedrick August Herrmann was Pauline maiden name Wolner
widowed - previous name Karch born Aug 7, 1850 in Trunzig by Werdau
Moved after the death of her second husband F.A. Herrmann married a 3rd
time new name Brunner.

b. Jan 21, 1865 in Meerane
came to America

brothers of Friedrich were
Karl Heinrich Herrmann born Nov. 13, 1866 in Meerane, Occuptation
gardener On June 10, 1890 moved to Kauern (?) by Greiz/Thuringen

Alban Max Herrmann born July 6, 1970 in Meerane (He is a 1/2 brother to
Friedrich Wilhelm) Occupations fabric maker, cloth dying worker, skilled
worker, printer On Oct. 29, 1895 moved to Oberlosa by Plauen/Vogtland

Friedrich Alfred Herrmann born March 17, 1876 in Merrane. Posetion
baker apprentice
Married first time Nov 18, 1899 in Meerane
Married second time March 30, 1944 in Meerane died Feb. 24, 1952 in

Looking for any addition information on this family -- hopfully to find
some living realitives still living in this area. I know my g-aunts
were still writing to Vogtland Of course I can not find the address at
this time. If this sounds fimilar to any one please write back. Hoping
to hear from Somone.

Barbara Oberlee

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