Hattorffs in the KGL (Jürgen E.W. Meyer)

In einer eMail vom 26.12.2006 12:24:23 Westeuropäische Normalzeit schreibt

Hattorffs in the KGL (Jürgen E.W. Meyer)

Hi Jürgen

Very interesting. I knew Hans Ludwig Börries von Hattorf, but i didnt know
that the was Schwadronchef.

I found some weeks ago an information about the Legion Britannique that was
before the KGL and there is a certain Major v. Hattorf. But i couldnt find out
his first name.

The Legion Britannique

Glenn Patterson
The last formed and most numerous of the auxiliary units. Its officers and
NCOs were mainly from Hanover with a sprinkling of British. The rank and file
were from all over Europe, although most were from Germanic states.
The original unit consisted of 5 battalions of infantry, each with an
attached dragoon squadron. Battalions were made of 4 companies of 125 officers and
men. Each Dragoon squadron had 101 officers and men. The unit commander was
Major von Bulow, Adjutant to Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, the C in C of the
combined British/Hanoverian army.
NOTE: There is no mention of artillery being a part of this force, so I am
guessing that this was provided by the Hanoverians or the British.
In 1762 the 5 Dragoon squadrons were amalgamated into a single regiment,
commanded by von Hattorf.<
Surley this von Hattorf is Hans von Hattorf i have his family tree and there
i saw that he was called Major a.D. So now all fits together.
So every little hint can help to find those puzzle pieces. I thank you very
much. I suppose you are living here in Germany, if you should find more
please let me know.

Maybe that he was later in the KGL.