Hallo, I did always read the political mentioned advertisement of Adalbert
all the times he wrote it under his e-mails.Yes. It is also my opinion that
we should concentrate on family or history research of our ancestors. I
wonder, however, how many American people are of German origin. How many
East and West Prussians went to America, Canada, Alaska, etc. since 1848.
Now they want to know their roots, they want to know what was the reason to
go away from home or why did they go away. It is really a pity - this
development. Even for German nationals that were thrown out of their country
1945. That is history and the road can`t be turned back to the initial
point. All have to look forward, Germans, Americans and all other people in
the world without thinking to start another war. War is terrible for
children, old people, women and men. Genealogical research has also a little
bit of historian reseach, i. e. it goes hand in hand. You can`t know one
thing without knowing the other thing - w h y ?
Regards/Elfa Rinio.Carli~
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