Granow Amswalde, Doteberg, Nettelkamp

Kann jemand hier eine Ortsbestimmung machen?
In keiner Karte oder Telefonbuch zu finden:

Birkholz - Granzow, Amswalde, Frankfurt note my records show the town as
Granow. I couldn't locate Granow but found Granzow do you think this was
just a mis-spelling? I don't know if this is Frankfurt main or Frankfurt

Hier eine weitere Anfrage:

Kreimeyer (195) - Doteberg, Munster, Hannover

Oehlman (558) - Nettelkamp near Fassberg


     I have found some references to Arnswalde in the LDS website:

Germany, Preußen, Brandenburg, Arnswalde - Church records
Kirchenbuch, 1835-1841 Evangelische Kirche Arnswalde (KrSt. Arnswalde)

Here is a reference to emigrants from there:
Übersee-Auswanderer aus Granow, Kreis Arnswalde

It goes on to list surnames of emigrants on this site.

And finally, there is this page which is about Landkreis Arnswalde:

Granow is listed on that page. The big problem for me is that Arnswalde
(nor Granow) does not appear in the index of my autoatlas. There are some
towns that are listed on that page which would put Granow in the general
area to the southwest of Prenzlau and a little north of Templin. Maybe I
just don't see them on the map. Mapquest did not pick up the town either.
Since it is all close to Poland there, I tried Granow in Poland, but didn't
find it either. I know it has to be in that area. I'll look some more
Barbara Stewart

Hallo Barbara and Werner und alltohoop,
you will find more about Arnswalde (Choszczno) and Granow (Granowo) at

including the today-names and many more (contact-adresses too)
Gru� aus Hamburg

Barbara, thank you for "Arnswalde". I found it in my old dicionary, it is located now in Poland south-east of former Stettin. It called today Choszczno. I will forward this information to Gary Buntenbach.

Thank you for this website, it is very helpful to find places in Poland, former Germany.