Gersten area

Looking for information on Drees, Theisman(n) and Schonhoff from the Gersten and Lingen area.

Thank you,
Pat Iverson

Hello Pat,
       You will find those names if you search here:


Hello Pat,
do you know this emigration records from "Kreis Lingen":

Clemens August Drees, born 5.Febr.1876 Gersten, parish Lengerich
emigrated 1892 together with Theresia Drees, born about 1860, to Wabasha Mines
married 22.Apr.1913 in Wabasha St.Felicis to Elisabeth Koelker.
parents: Heuermann Bernard Drees and Anna Theresia Schonhoff

Johann Clemens Theismann, born 26.Oct.1872 in Lengerich
emigrated 1892
parents: Heuermann Johann Clemens Teismann and Maria Carolina Manemann

I hope it help,
Werner Honkomp