Genealogy of the REINSBERG Family since 1750 in the ascending line (6 Generations)

Genealogy of the REINSBERG Family since 1750 in the ascending line (6
   Johann Gottlob REINSBERG
   * 02.06.1750 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   + 21.06.1836 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   oo Christiane Sophie geb. KOEHLER
      * 20.10.1757 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
      + 11.01.1832 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   Johann Christian Gottfried REINSBERG
   * 19.09.1786 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   + 05.02.1858 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   oo Johanna Sophie geb. RICHTER
      * 27.5.1793 in Ostrau,
        Saxon Switzerland (Saechsische Schweiz),
        Kingdom of Saxony
   Johann Friedrich REINSBERG
   * 12.09.1812 in Rosswein, Kingdom of Saxony
   + 07.06.1872 in Schwiebus, Province of Brandenburg,
     Kingdom of Prussia
   oo Beate Luise geb. IGEL
      * 18.04.1821 in Schwiebus, Province of Brandenburg,
        Kingdom of Prussia
      + 29.11.1909 in Bentschen, Grand Duchy of Posen,
        Kingdom of Prussia
   Albert Friedrich REINSBERG
   * 22.01.1864 in Schwiebus, Province of Brandenburg,
     Kingdom of Prussia
   + 07.06.1931 in Meseritz, Province of Brandenburg,
     Free State of Prussia
   oo Agnes Marianne geb. Zlotowicz
      * 02.06.1873 in Wollstein, Grand Duchy of Posen,
        Kingdom of Prussia
      + 1945 in Berlin
   Arnold Franz REINSBERG
   * 02.12.1896 in Bentschen, Grand Duchy of Posen,
     Kingdom of Prussia
   + 1945 in Berlin, Germany
   oo Margarethe Elisabeth FRINGS
      * 29.08.1903 in Buckow (Maerkische Schweiz),
        Province of Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia
      + 06.06.1979 in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
   Erika Marie Agnes REINSBERG
   * 02.11.1926 in Buckow (Maerkische Schweiz),
     Province of Brandenburg, Free State of Prussia
   + 25.10.1964 in Maxton, North Carolina, USA
   oo Vance Allen ADDISON
      * 13.06.1927 in North Carolina, USA
      + 2010 in Durham, North Carolina, USA
   Ulrich Albert Matthias REINSBERG
   * 1930s in Meseritz-Obrawalde, Posen
   oo Margitta POSER
      * 18.07.1933 in Berlin-Obersch�neweide
      + 06.12.1997 in Berlin
   Christiane Brigitte Klara REINSBERG
   * 1930s in Schwerin an der Warthe,
     Province of Brandenburg
   oo Karl-Heinz BUCHMANN
   List of surnames from the family tree:

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Hi Robert,

I'm not quite sure if this is the most appropriate mailinglist for your family tree, as most of the people/places you're mentioning definitely belong to other (former) German regions (e.g. have a look at "wikipedia" or the individual websites of the towns/areas themselves).
If you haven't done so so far, I'd suggest you post your "Genealogy of the Reinsberg family" to the following mailinglists and perhaps be of more help to fellow researchers there:

     ---> --->

     ---> (Sachesenliste / German-speaking)
     ---> (Neumarkliste / German-speaking)
     ---> (Brandenburgliste / bilingual)
     ---> (Posenliste / German-speaking)
     ---> (Posenliste / English-speaking)

By the way, Vance Allen ADDISON died in Durham, NC on June 3, 2010. You can find his detailed obituary in "The Herald-Sun", Durham, NC (June 10, 2010) - including his picture.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards from Southwest Germany

Matt (E. Theiner)