Friedrich Lipka was born in Friedrichshof in 1864. Julia Krpatz was born in Przyroscheln in 1864. I would like to know what these towns were like then and what life would have been like for them. They were Lutheran.
Friedrich served in the military in the First Battalion Pommern Prussia 4. Pommern Infantry Regiment # 21. He was a Private First Class when he left. He entered the service in November of 1885 and was furloughed (beurlaubt) in September 1887.
It appears from the photocopy of pages from his military book that he served only from October to March of each year. Someone told me the following:
"Thru the ( Königsurlaub) kings vacation is service was shortend
half a year."
What does this mean? Would he really have to serve only half the year?
I would like to know about what military service would be like for a Private, maybe a picture of a uniform he might have worn. Does the word 'beurlaubt' mean discharged from service?
While I would like my answers to be in English I would prefer for have as much information as possible even if I have to get it translated so don't hesitate to share knowledge with me. It will be so very much appreciated...Marlene