
Thank you for the information.

If Dietrich's family did own land why would he change his name to WENDELN after marrying Johann Wendeln's widow? I have thought that he changed his name becaues Johann Wendeln may have been a landowner. However, Johann is listed as a 'kotter', so he didn't own land.

Why would Dietrich change his name and their son be named WENDELN and not SCHEVE?

Vielen Dank,

Ted Wendeln

there were no 'official' naming rules back then. One needs to go with
what you were known as - or as the pastor thought who you were. Land
ownership was not the criteria but rather the place itself. One
married into a historically known place. That could be a big farm or a
small kotten. The name did not always stick but we have to go by the
records kept by the churches as that is the best we have. Lots of
folks couldn't write and had no idea what their official name spelling
was. It was all about who you were known as.


Hello Ted,

forget what I told about Schewe in Lüsche.

I checked the "Personenschatzungsregister" of 1549 for the Amt Cloppenburg (like census) and found in Lastrup-Hemmelte two Scheve families and in Lastrup-Suhle also two families:

- Meinert Scheve, Hilla uxor(wife), Werneke servus(farm hand), Anna famula(house keeping)
- Detmar Scheve, Taleke uxor, Dirich filius, Dethmar filius, Anthonius filius, Anna famula
  (Dirich = Dietrich)

the last one could be your.

An other book listed a Scheve farm (halberbe - smaler farm) at 1700.
At 1665 this farm was destroyed because the 30 years war.

Regarding the name he changed explained it Fred very well.

Have a nice day, we have rain a lot,
Werner Honkomp