I tried to send this directly to Christophe but it was rejected by my email
provider. Sorry to the rest of the list.
Hello Christophe,
Thank you for your reply. I am happy that you write English so well, my
German skills are very limited. Do you live in Belgium? Your email address
has "be" at the end and I think that is Belgium.
Cornelius Assenmacher was the son of Peter and Veronica (Engels)
Assenmacher of Walberberg. Cornelius was born about 1783 in Walberberg and
died there on February 17, 1837. He married Veronica Bollenbeck(er) about
1799. She was the daughter of Johann and Bertrud (Engels) Bollenbecker.
They had nine children. The records are in the Sechtem civil records. I
have not looked at the records after 1850 for the people who remained in
1. Peter, born 1800-died after 1850
2. Johann, born April 13, 1802, died 1802-03
3. Johann, born March 7, 1804, died 1804-1811
4. Mathias, born January 22, 1809
5. Johann, born May 30, 1811
6. Heinrich, born April 25, 1812, died Nov 24, 1884 in USA (my great-great
7. Marie Anne, born September 29, 1814
8. Gerhard, born August 4, 1817
9. Peter Joseph, born March 1, 1820, died in USA
You may be related to one of Cornelius's sons that remained in Germany and
did not emigrate to the USA. Another man who is also researching the
Assenmacher family says all the Assenmachers are related. Mullheim is not
very far from Walberberg.
My ancestors settled in Michigan, Wisconsin and Kansas in the 1840-1850's.
There is another branch of Assenmachers in Minnesota and one in Louisiana
that might be related to my ancestors. I have a lot of information on the
Assenmacher's in the USA. Most of them were either brewers or shoemakers or
I visited Walberberg a few years ago and have photos of the village and
church. Please let me know if you want any more information. I look
forward to working with you to research the Assenmacher family.
Laura in Wales, Wisconsin