[dLibra WWW message] bad file

Aha, so it wasn't me after all. The problem was at the server end in
Poland. At least these folks respond and will fix the problem. The
newspaper archive is a wonderful resource and I'm glad they even offer
it to the world. It says something for the new Poland to show their
history as it used to be, not just as it is. Under the old Communist
system all this was buried in the deepest vaults or even destroyed by


Years ago we had a discussion about German Catholic Church records going
back to Poland. And a discussion too about should historical topics be
allowed on this web-site (they should - my opinion). Anyhow, this is what I
have observed that the Staatsarchiv in Allenstein and other Polish archives
are really making an unbelievable effort to put German documents/books on
the Internet. I found valuable information pertaining to my
Thomaschewski/Blumstein from Makrauten, Kreis Osterode family.
Best regards,
Elke Hedstrom, Garland, Texas/USA

what site is it?

Thank You
  David P. Manthei

I agree Elke,
If the German archives were only as cooperative. The Poles seem to be
searching for their history, no matter where it leads, as it had been
hidden from them for a generation. PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW THE HISTORY OF
THE LAND THEY LIVE ON. And the wonderful effect is that they want to
make it public.

Similar things are happening in Kaliningrad the 800 year old Königsberg.


It had to do with this post: