Deutsches Geschlechterbuch index on CD

Does anyone on the list have the CD of the indexes for volumes 1 to 204 of the Deutsches Geschlechterbuch? (Deutsches Geschlechterbuch: Gesamtnamenverzeichnis der B�nde 1-204.) I see that this CD is offered by C.A. Starke ( I would consider ordering it, but I would like to know if the Geschlechterbuchs contain information about the "common" people of M-S and other parts of Deutschland.

Researching, Brian, Eggert, Fruendt (Fr�ndt), Hafemann, Koehnke, Ledeker, M�ller, Roesler, Schoepke, Teschke, Schroeder, Ulrich, Wittig

I have the CD and i find it useful even I have not had any really great hits
yet. I am only researching ordinary people.

I made a search on FRUENDT, but did not find any. Then I tried EGGERT. This
was the result.

Surname - Volume - Page(s)

Eggert 1 122
Eggert 2 196
Eggert 3 6
Eggert 4 139
Eggert 13 185, 418
Eggert 14 33
Eggert 17 431
Eggert 20 240
Eggert 22 40
Eggert 24 540
Eggert 34 196, 197, 224
Eggert 37 425
Eggert 40 485, 528
Eggert 58 555, 557, 587
Eggert 62 284, 334
Eggert 63 345
Eggert 68 635
Eggert 68 110, 377, 554, 627, 632
Eggert 70 180
Eggert 72 453
Eggert 73 186
Eggert 76 391
Eggert 80 192, 423
Eggert 84 90
Eggert 86 46
Eggert 88 79, 432
Eggert 89 389, 392
Eggert 90 607, 686
Eggert 91 511
Eggert 93 11, 197
Eggert 97 163
Eggert 101 220, 231
Eggert 104 528, 618
Eggert 105 444
Eggert 106 362
Eggert 109 574
Eggert 110 680
Eggert 115 325, 537
Eggert 117 320, 852
Eggert 118 424, 563
Eggert 122 47
Eggert 124 403
Eggert 126 36, 505
Eggert 127 81
Eggert 129 393, 394
Eggert 131 26
Eggert 133 122, 607
Eggert 134 209
Eggert 137 36, 247
Eggert 141 147, 494, 499
Eggert 141 34, 118, 119, 121, 124
Eggert 145 329, 330, 365
Eggert 150 301
Eggert 153 51
B�geholz gen. Eggert 158 219
Eggert 158 213, 217, 220
Eggert 168 150, 151
Eggert 171 21
Eggert 174 230
Eggert 182 39
Eggert 183 362
Eggert 187 223
Eggert 188 127, 236
* Eggert 188 240-243
Eggert 193 264
Eggert 198 460
Arndts gt. Eggert 201 451
Eggert 203 497
Eggert 207 285

Sincerely Henriette Idestrup, Denmark

Mark Fruendt skriver:

Do you have Eggert in your family? My Eggerts are from Walkendorff.

Carl (Charles) Jochim Johann EGGERT born 28 Feb 1842, married Maria (Mary) Wilhelmina Carolina STEINMULLER (born 7 Feb 1842) on 23 Nov 1866 in Toledo, Ohio. His parents were Theodor EGGERT and Friederica MULLER. Carl had at least one brother - Friedrich Johann Christian EGGERT, born 22Oct 1834 in Thelkow.

Do we have a match amywhere?

No, I do not have any Eggerts in my family. I was just searching some of Mark
Fruendt's names on the CD to help him decide if the CD could be useful to him or

Henriette Idestrup, Denmark

kathryn Gratop wrote:

Hy Kathryn,
Excuse me for jumping in here, but I have EGGERT in my lines.

I have a Carolina Sophia Louise Christiane EGGERT married a HARMS Sep 25,
1833. Her father was Martin Christian EGGERT. The only location I could find
for them was on the death entry for Carolina. It had her father as being
from Klein Woltersdorf.

Klaus Dieter Cook
Houston, Texas

Do you know the names of Maria Steinmuller?

I assume that you mean the names of her parents, and yes, I do have them. It appears to be an interesting story. Her father took his wife's last name. He was Carl (Charles) Jochim Ulrich RIECK, born 21 April 1814. Wife was Maria Carolina Dorothea STEINMULLER, born 20 May 1818. They were married 3 Nov 1843. They were both born in Walkendorff, and emigrated to the USA, and settled in Toledo, Ohio. At least three other children - Sophia Wilhemina Maria Steinmuller, Friederich Ludwig Hellmuth Steinmuller, Carl Friederich Christian Steinmuller. On the 1880 census, they are listed as the Millers. Please let me know if you need more detail.

Klaus, thank you for responding. I do not have either of those names in my database.