Detmer/Dettmer in Buer Area

Seeking ancestors and family connections of Friedrich Wilhelm DETMER, born Jan 17, 1803 in Buer/Roedinghausen. Married Florentine W. SCHOLLE, born Apr 17,1810 in Hannover. They were Protestants.
Children were Ernst Heinrich (Dec 16, 1830), Maria Elizabeth (Sep 1839), Wilhelm (Ca 1842), Johann Friedrich (Apr 17, 1844), Louisa (Sep 15, 1848) and Karl Friedrich (Mar 5, 1850). All children probably born in Buer area. Ernst Heinrich married (second marriage) to Margaret THIEMAN before 1855. (Nothing known about first marriage other than wife died and there was a son Johann). Maria Elizabeth married to Ernst Heinrich UHLMANSIEK in about 1860. Wilhelm married to Grace TITKEMEIER before 1859. All marriages probably in or near Buer. The entire family emigrated to the U.S. in 1865. Have searched all pertinent LDS files including available film from St. Martin's church records in Buer (no positive results). Church records and LDS/IGI have several references to DETTMER family in Buer and Roedinghausen, suggesting possible name change. Where should I go for records (civil and church) for Buer, Markendorf and Roedinghausen? How should I go about finding ancestors. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Don

Hi Don, I`m from Melle where it`s satellite towns like Buer belong to - the
area is called Groenegau or formerlay Amt Groenenberg. Buer is only about 7
km away. Detmer and Dettmer still live in the Groenegau - i guess it`s just
a spelling thing like it is with other names Guss, Gus or Gu�.

There is a farming place Dettmer in Oldendorf (Melle), exactly in
Oberholsten which belongs to Oldendorf. Oldendorf is also a protestant
parish. Dettmer is a Vollerbe Hofstelle and was the 4th 'biggest' farm of 29
farming places in Oberholsten. Why I do no that? Dettmer and the biggest
farm Drees are direct neighbourhood of the Markkoetter Staette Hone()kamp
which sadly does not exist any longer.

Oldendorf Buer


Study mit geneaolgy website at to find maps and other nice
things about the Groenegau and of course find adresses etc to search for

Welcome in club and feel free to ask!

Sven Honerkamp
Melle - Lower Saxony - Europe

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