
I am studying history of my German ancestors in the Bocholt area. I
found reference to the Chamaven as an early tribe. Could someone
please provide in English a brief description of the Chamaven, and what
areas they originated in and conquered.

Thank you.

Steve Frank


Hi Steve,
Your surname is propably from a famous tribe the "Franken", the Chamaven are
one of the Franken tribes.
I have found a lot of websites in German and Dutch languages, but not in
Herewith I give a site with a cart, so that you can see the neighbourhood.

Or one with a very short explanation about European tribes.

Or the next ones, because you have to look in the Netherlands for the
Chamaven tribe, around the river IJssel:
Only they are in Dutch and it is a little much to translate in a short time:

With regards
Harry van Deelen

I am studying history of my German ancestors in the Bocholt area. I
found reference to the Chamaven as an early tribe. Could someone
please provide in English a brief description of the Chamaven, and
what areas they originated in and conquered.

whatever that name is supposed to be, does it really matter as to the
tribe? The area of Germany had hundreds maybe thousends of tribes in
pre-history. Little by little they formed into larger groups or
Stämme. What little we know of them is what others named them and how
they described them mostly from far away and with their own twist to
historical accuracy. So we get all kinds oif different 'opinions'
from the ancient writers and we can't assume that these things have
any basis to reality because there is no proof.

Besides, the history of these early peoples is one of constant
movement. They fought battls with each other, took over their
neighbor's land and/or were driven out of their own. No one really
knows who lived where and for how long. We get stuffLike this as

Die Germanischen Völkerschaften standen in mörderischen Kämpfen
untereinander und versuchten, neues Land zu besiedeln. Die Friesen
versuchten vergeblich in das unbesiedelte Isselmeergebiet
einzudringen in dem vorher die Chamaven und Tubanten und Usipiten
gelebt haben. Die Chauken hatten die Amsrivarier zwischen der unteren
Weser und der Ems fast völlig vernichtet, die Reste des Stammes
irrten nun heimatlos und suchend umher. Die Chatten (Hessen) im
unteren Taunus und Hessischen Bergland ging, zum Teil in den Kämpfen
mit den Hermunduren zu Grunde. Als mächtigste Völkerschaft bewohnten
die Bruckterer unter ihrer verehrten Lachnerin (Chamanin) Veleda das
Land östlich des Rheins an der Ruhr und Lippe. Kaiser Vespasian eilte
nach der Vernichtung seiner Truppen, des gegen Kaiser nach Germanien
zurück und erstickte den Bataver Aufstand mit 8 Legionen, den
Aufrührer Civilis erklärte er als rechtlos. Veleda wurde von den
Römern wegen des Bataver Aufstandes 69 bis 70 Jh. getötet, ihre
Nachfolgerin hieß Gana und wurde mit den Fürsten der Semonen nach Rom
zum Kaiser Domitian eingeladen. Mit Waffengewalt führten, die Römer
einen von ihnen ausgesuchten Fürsten bei den Bruktern ein. Trotz
ihrer ca. 60 000 Waffenfähigen Männer wurden die Bruckterer von
ihren, Nachbar Stämmen den Chamaven und den Angrivarier ausgerottet.
Südlich von den Brukterern hatten reste der Tenkterer im altem
Sugambrer lande gegenüber der Colonia Agrippinensium (Köln) es wieder
zu ansehnlichen Volksbestand gebracht.

The sources for such 'history' are never given. Usually they are from
some other historian who got it from another and no one gives any
original proof. The Romans described history the way they wanted it
to read for the folks back home. The concept of writing like it
really was (as Ranke espoused it) had not really been invented yet.


  4788 Corian Court
Naples, FL 34114
941-775-7838; 239-269-4781 (cell)
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the
world walks out."

Happy New Year, Fred,
and thank you for the wonderful information given. I have certainly learned
something else.
God Bless,