Brick wall

Hello Listers,
I am wondering if anyone has some advice in finding out where to search next:
The people I was searching must have moved to Dornten from some other place as there is no further information about their parents or where they were born from the Ev. Pfarramt in Dörnten. I am forwarding this information from the Church in Dornten. Does anyone have any theory as to where these two families may have come from or where I can search further, what was going on in history around the time 1830 or before, both these families had the fathers down on the baptism records as Brinksitzer . Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you to all. I know I am asking for a lot but any hunches are worth looking into.

Verzeichnis der Getauften 1832 Nr.10 Taufname des Kindes: Heinrich August Geboren: 29. August 11 Uhr morgens Ehelich Vater: Andreas Bosse Mutter: Marie Sophie Catherine Loose Wohnort der Eltern: Dörnten Getauft: 9. September
Verzeichnis der Getauften 1840 Nr. 1 Name des Kindes: Eggers, Christina Dorothea geboren in Dörnten den 6. Januar abends 8 Uhr Getauft den 12. Januar Eltern: der Brincksitzer und Schuster Joh. Christian Eggers und dessen Ehefrau Eleonore Gertrude Doroth. Siemens?

Kindest regards,
Atina Marks (Australia)

Hello Atina

Re. Dörnten

Were you in contact with Pastor Gerhardt Schneider in Dörnten? did you ask him who holds the records for some of the surrounding villages? otherwise contact him again at <> Town names nearby are 38704 Liedenburg, 38640 Jerstedt, 38685 Bredelem six km from Langelsheim, 38704 Ostharingen, Kunigunde and Heissum.

The LDS (Mormons) have filmed church records from nearby areas and you could check these to see if your family names are recorded. You could try looking at the following "Zivilstandsregister" 1808-1814.Civil registration of births, marriages and deaths of Liebenburg, Hannover, Germany. Geburten, Heiraten, Toten, Beilagen 1808-1814. Film 1741962

Otherwise you can contact the churches in Lienenburg addresses below.

Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchengemeinde St. Trinitatis Liebenburg
Martin-Luther-Straße 1
38704 Liebenburg
Telefon: +49 5346 91119
Telefax: +49 5346 91118

Ev.-luth. Pfarramt Othfresen
Sölg 4, 38704 Liebenburg
Pfarrerin Sabine Zimmermann und Pfarrer Jürgen Zimmermann
Telefon: 05346/4355 Telefax: 05346/5635

The German phone book is great for locating names in a given area, use the first three numbers 837* part postcode for 83704 Lienenburg you find there are seven people listed by the name of "Eggers" all living in Lienenburg, using 386* part postcode for 83685 Langelsheim, there are19 people by the name of "Bosse" all living in 83685 Langelsheim. Perhaps you should write to some of these people and ask if they are related to your family. Both these places are near Dörnten.

There are some great sites on the Internet which will give you the history of most areas you are researching. Just go to <> or <> and type in the name of the town you are looking for, if there is no result because the village is only small, keep trying using the surrounding village place names.

It is possible to borrow some books from your local library, look for publications like the "History of Germany 1780-1918 The Long Nineteenth Century" by David Blackbourn which is very good. However you can also print off extracts of historical information about the towns and cities of Germany from several on line encyclopedias. Try looking at place names like Goslar, Liebenburg and Langelsheim, rather than the smaller villages.

There is also a webpage for Dörnten <News & E-Mail bei | Politik, Sport, Unterhaltung & Ratgeber; Peter who invites you to contact him if you do not understand German as he does not have the time to put his webpage in English.

His e-mail is < peterpf@t> Apparently Peter is involved with the history of the area because of the local stone formations. Title of his page is "Megalithen und andere Steine rund um Dörnten" Peter may be able to assist you with the history of Dörnten.

And do not forget this post from Rod Fleck a few days ago.

"A great source, on-line, for out-of-print German books is Worth using their search menu and simply typing in the village or surname of your ancestor. Never know what will show up. Some of the dealers specialize in engravings of German villages that are truly a delight to obtain. I have used this to purchase many a book on small villages across the former German empire."

I hope this helps,

Kindest regards,

Elizabeth (in Australia)

  If memory serves me correctly, Hannover started its agrerian reform program
around 1825 ... right in the time frame you are interested in. Many of the
brinksitzern lost their homes when the land they had built on was divided up
among the various Hof's, etc. This was one of the major factors motivating the
mass emigration of people on the lower economic rungs.
Don Roddy

Quoting Atina Marks <>:

<<If memory serves me correctly, Hannover started its agrarian reform
around 1825 ... right in the time frame you are interested in.>>


Any reference books with this material? English please.


Gary Stoltman
Mercerville, NJ

Gary, you might try Not everything is translated into English but what is translated is pretty informative.

Al in Music City