"Petter Langeland" <jplange@online.no> schrieb:
My GGGrandfather Dietrich Ludwig August Friedrich Bergmann was born in
Hannover in 1834.
I have found the death of Dietrich i the churchbook: He was born 14 febr 1834 in Elsdorf, Hannover. The place was difficult to read, it could be Eisdorf, Eisdorf, Elfdorf or Ebsdorf, but probably Elsdorf. Can anybody help me?
...in the former Kingdom of Hannover exist:
29574 Ebstorf (near Uelzen),
37534 Eisdorf (near Osterode/Harz),
27404 Elsdorf (now part of Ehestorf, between Bremen and Hamburg).
Hello Petter,
there is no Dietrich Ludwig August Friedrich Bergmann in the church records of 29574 Ebstorf (near Uelzen and Lüneburg) 1833-1835, and the name Bergmann is not in the alphabetical index for baptisms and marriages for the years 1807-1832 and 1833-1849.
Neither is there any entry for DLAF Bergmann in the years 1833-1835 in the church records of 37534 Eisdorf near Osterode/Harz).
And at last there is no entry for him in Eilvese near Hannover, parish of Hagen, where I know that there are a lot of Bergmanns with similar aggregations of christian names.
Have you got a photograph or scan of the church book with the burial entry? Maybe you can make it available to the list, so that we can participate in reading/guessing what location could be ment.
Kind regards