Bauch family-Tarnowke-Annafeld-Petzin-Louisenhol-Krojanke


I am looking for the Bauch family in and around the above named towns.

I have found a marriage record, dated December 26, 1861 for Eduard Bauch and Caroline Pik of Tarnowke, district Flatow, West Prussia. I also have records of the following children born to the above.

1. Auguste Emile Wilhelmine Bauch-born July 16, 1867

2. Emile Pauline Charlotte Bauch-born January 4, 1864

3. August Eduard Friedrich Bauch-born August 30, 1871

4. Auguste Alwine Bauch-born September 17, 1873

The parents residence was listed as Louisenhof near Krojanke.

I need information on the next six children born to Eduard and Caroline. I am hoping the records may still be in the Lutheran Church in Tarnowke. (They are not in Leipzig or Berlin.) The Mormons didn't microfilm records prior to 1874.

I also need to know when and how they all migrated to America.

Thank you,

Phyllis Beene


suche nach Bauchs in den oben genannten Orten.
ich fand (Mormonen Filme) die Heiratsurkunde (26 Dez. 1861) fuer Eduard Bauch und Caroline Pik aus
Tarnowke,Krels, Flatow, Westpreussen.
Fand ebenfalls die Geburtsurkunden fuer die folgenden Kinder:

1. Auguste Emile Wilhelmine Bauch. geb. 16. Juli 1867

2. Emile Pauline Charlotte Bauch, geb. 4. Jan. 1864

3. August Eduard Friedrich Bauch, geb. 30 Aug. 1871

4. Auguste Alwine Bauch, geb. 17 Sept. 1873

Eduard und Caroline hatten noch sechs weitere Kinder, die ich gerne finfen moechte. Die Mormonenfilme gehen nur bis 1874. Weiss jemand, ob die Kirchenbuecher davor noch in der evangelischen Kirche in Tarnowke sind? (Sie sind weder in Leipzig noch Berlin).

Weiss jemand wann die Bauch Familie nach Amerika auswanderte?

Im Voraus vielen Dank

Phyllis Beene

In case you get the rest of the children, this one might fit in:

Ferdinand Bauch, born 1876 in Russian Poland (don't have place name)
Married Julianna Netzel (born 1885 Volhynia) in 1904.
They came to Canada in 1905.
Should you desire the rest of their history, contact me off-line.


Good day, I know that the post was added over 20 years ago. My grandfather Horst Bauch was born in Wąsosz near Krajenka in 1942, I am looking for information about his father Friedrich Bauch born in Tarnówka near Krajenka, I do not know the exact year of birth. After the war in 1945 he emigrated to Halle in Germany