
Hi Lori,

Couldn't resist answering. The Bartling name caught my attention. My Gr
Gr Grandmothers last name was Catherine Bartling born 4 Jan 1810 in
Empede,Hannover,Germany which is west of the City of Hannover a short
ways. It sounds as though we are about three generations apart in our
dates though. Bob Marhenke

I have just recently learned that the name of my ggg-grandmother was
BARTLING. Maria Dorothea (she was called Dorothea) BARTLING , born 9 Nov
1812, married Henry J. (or Johann Heinrich) WALTER in Hannover and their
first children were born in Negenborn, near Bissendorf, which is just north
of the city of Hannover.They immigrated to the US around 1848 and lived
south of Chicago near Monee and Crete, Illinois, until the 1870's, when they
moved to Washington County, Nebraska. Henry died there in 1885. Later
Dorothea moved with son Henry to Dixon County, Nebraska. I have noticed
that wherever they lived, there were Bartling families nearby, who were
members of the same Lutheran church. There were also folks from Empede, too,
particularly the Stuenkels.

Bob, do you know any more about the family of your Catherine Bartling? She's
the right age to be a possible sister or cousin of my ggg-grandma.

I also found a Bartling on my family tree. Marie Louise Bartling was the
second wife of George Christian Conrad Wilhelm Stichnoth. She was born 15
Jan 1833 at Welze daughter of Heinrich Wilhelm Bartling and Catharine Marie
Hoppe of Welze. She was married 4 May 1871 at Mandelsloh and died 12 July
1883 art Welze. She had no children.

Joan in WA