Ladies and Gentlemen:
During the Reformation of the 16th Century, Luther reduced the number of
sacraments to two (sometimes penance was retained): Baptism and Holy Communion
(Eucharist). Confirmation in the Lutheran Church is a Church Rite conferred
upon adolescents of usually 14 years of age. This occurs after a period of
instruction that is usually two years in length. After confirmation the
individual is allowed to receive communion in both kinds (host and wine).
Historically participation in communion required an announcement to the
pastor that the individual intended to take the sacrament. After confession of
sins and absolution, the communion was offered, sometimes a week later. In
the 19th and early centuries in the United States, communion was celebrated
only four times per year. Current practice among Lutherans in America is to
offer the sacrament twice per month or weekly.
Gary Beard