Thank you Barbara. I just emailed that request.
I'd be curious if a definitive answer can be found in this regard. To my knowledge, beyond statistical value, most permits to emigrate were of little interest to the authorities in Germany. The main reasons for issuing them were to control military conscription-age requests of young men, to ensure that the emigrant has paid his debts when he left and had additional funds for the trip (so the home country wouldn't have to bail him out during the journey), and that those under age had sufficient protection by accompanying adults, or at a minimum, were protected at their intended place of settlement. This of course being over and beyond the papers serving as an official legal declaration of abandonment (release) of German citizenship.
Depending on where they resided in Germany, most applying for such permits had to appear before a "Gemeinderat" (local council) or "Oberamt" (county administration) or "Bezirksamt" (county office), etc., to declare their intentions, and allow the legal investigations, as necessary, to begin. Often other government or controlling agencies would often be solicited or referred to. All creditors of the emigrant might be summoned to appear at some point. An announcement of the emigration was generally ordered in the local public paper and community bulletin board. Sometimes these proceedings could take a month or two to complete. There would be little reason or incentive, after such procedures ran their course, for the emigrant (or emigrant family) to procrastinate embarking.
If you get additional details from the Hannover Archives Center per Barb's suggestion, perhaps you could post it for the list.
"J b" <> schrieb:
"J b" <> schrieb:
Hallo <> [und Ihr Name?]. Betreff Ihrer Anfrage ~
I would�be curious if a definitive answer can be found in this regard. To my knowledge, beyond statistical value, most permits to emigrate were of little interest to the authorities in Germany. The main reasons for issuing them were to control military conscription-age requests of young men, to ensure that the emigrant had paid his debts when he left (and had additional funds for the trip so the home country wouldn't have to bail him out during the journey), and to verify that those under age had sufficient protection by accompanying adults, or at a minimum, were protected at their intended place of settlement. The above stated�is, of course,�in addition to the these papers serving as an official legal declaration of abandonment (release) of German citizenship.
Ich frage mich, ob man auf Ihre Anfrage eine zweifelsfreie Antwort geben kann. Meines Erachtens hatten die Zulassungscheine f�r eine Auswanderung f�r die deutschen Beh�rden �ber den statistischen Wert hinaus keine gro�e Bedeutung. F�r die Ausstellung der Scheine bestanden drei Gr�nde: zur Kontrolle der Anfragen bez�glich des Wehrpflichtalters junger M�nner; zur Sicherstellung der Schuldenfreiheit des Emigranten zum Zeitpunkt der Auswanderung (sowie zur Sicherstellung der zus�tzlichen Zahlungsf�higkeit des Emigranten f�r die Reisedauer, um zu vermeiden, da� das Vaterland dem Emigranten im Verlauf der Reise aus der finanziellen Bredouille helfen m��te; und zur Pr�fung des ausreichenden Schutzes von Minderj�hrigen seitens entsprechender Begleitpersonen oder da� sie zumindest am vorgesehenen Niederlassungsort ad�quat gesch�tzt w�rden. Die eben erwaehnten Verfahrensschritte dienen lediglich zur Unterstuetzung dieser Dokumente, die, fuer sich genommen, bereits als offizielle und gesetzlich gueltige Erklaerung hinsichtlich der Ablage der deutschen Staatsbuergerschaft fungieren.
Depending on where they resided in Germany, most applying for such permits had to appear before a "Gemeinderat" (local council) or "Oberamt" (county administration) or "Bezirksamt" (county office), etc., to declare their intentions, and allow�possible legal investigations, as necessary, to begin. Other government or controlling agencies would often be solicited or referred to. All creditors of the emigrant might be summoned to appear at some point. An announcement of the emigration (or intended emigration) was generally ordered in the local public paper and community bulletin board. Sometimes these proceedings could take up to a month or two to complete. There would be little reason or incentive, after such procedures ran their course, for the emigrant (or emigrant family) to procrastinate or delay embarking.
Je nach Wohnort in Deutschland mu�ten die Bewerber um derartige Zulassungsscheine entweder vor dem jeweiligen Gemeinderat, Oberamt oder Bezirksamt erscheinen, um ihr Vorhaben anzumelden und etwaige gesetzliche Untersuchungen wie zum Beispiel die Beschaffung eines F�hrungszeugnisses einzuleiten. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden oftmals andere Regierungsbeh�rden oder weitere Kontrollaussch�sse um Auskunft oder ein Gutachten gebeten. S�mtliche Gl�ubiger des Auswanderers hatten durchaus im Verlauf des Bewerbungsverfahrens vor die zust�ndige Beh�rde zitiert werden k�nnen. Eine �ffentliche Notiz der Auswanderung (oder geplanten Auswanderung) mu�te im Normalfall im Lokalblatt oder in den Gemeindenachrichten aufgegeben werden. Manchmal konnte es bis zum Abschlu� eines solchen Verfahrens durchaus durchaus ein oder zwei Monate dauern. Nach gewohntem Prozedere bestand f�r den Auswanderer (oder die Auswandererfamilie) weder Grund noch Anla� den Plan in die L�nge zu ziehen oder den Reiseantritt ungeb�hrlich zu verz�gern.
If you get additional details from the Archives per Barbara's suggestion, perhaps you could post it for us.
Falls Sie auf Barbaras Vorschlag hin auf zus�tzliche Einzelheiten in dem vorliegenden Archivmaterial sto�en sollten, w�re ich Ihnen sehr verbunden, wenn Sie mir diese ebenso zukommen lassen k�nnten.
Hopefully this hacks it und is not mucked too bad.
Ich hoffe, mich verstaendlich gemacht zu haben und dass nicht zu viel in der obigen Uebersetzung verloren gegangen ist.
Greets from SoCal, Jb