Antw: translation?

Dear Gary,

My guess is "in HEGGEMANNs Back-Haus"

translates to in HEGGEMANNs bakery

far enough from the farm building with ist straw roof (that caught fire easily)
you had an extra minor building, the bakery had a large oven to bake bread
in the first line, also cakes and sometimes meat.
There was a room in front of the oven, so you would not catch a cold
while baking.

people, "Heuerleute" or tenants, would live in such a "Back-Haus",
the northgerman BACKHAUS and BACKHUS families have such an origin,
as the LIFTUCHT families who lived in the building that originally was built as
a residence for the old farmer and or his wife, when the next generations had taken on responsability, or the SCHUERMANN families who lived in
a Schuer or High German Scheuer or Scheune = barn, granary.

Happy Xmas greeting and a Good New Year

Falk 12/24 5:31 >>>


I show the following after 1845 birth information (and prior to baptismal) in Hannover: It reads (in Heggemann's Back s) I show this translates to "in Heggemann's cheeks". Any ideas?


Gary Stoltman
Mercerville, NJ