Hallo Liste,
gibt es Passagierlisten �ber Reisende von USA nach Deutschland?
Vermutlich zwischen 1860 - 1870 ist ein Bernard Peppersack mit seiner Familie von Covington USA nach Damme/Oldenburg zur�ck gekommen.
Are there passenger lists over travelers from the USA to Germany?
A Bernard Peppersack come back from Covington USA with his family to Damme/Oldenburg between 1860 - 1870.
Census 1860 show this family, census 1870 not.
Werner Honkomp
I think Ancestry has some out-going passengers listed. Let me look for Bernard Peppersack.
Hi, Werner.
Here's what I found:
An Ancestry Public Member Tree shows
Bernard Heinrich [Henry B. Peppersack]
Birth Date: 1808
Birth Place: Havelland, Germany
Death Date: 29 July 1884
Death Place: Germany
The Hamburg passenger list shows
b peppersack
Hamburrg departure:
14 Sep 1860
born abt 1812
Arrival New York
Ship: Saxonia
The 1900 US census shows Henry Peppersack
Covington Ward t, Kenton County, Kentucky
Birth Date June 1815
Birth Place Germany
Immigration: 1852
Relation fo head of house: Grandfather
Head of Household: Willis Staverman
My experience with the 1870 US census is that a lot of people aren't included, or their names are misspelled so badly that they can't be found on electronic indexing.
Are you sure they returned to Germany?
Best wishes,
Two public member trees show a Henry Peppersack
Born Jun 1815 in Oldenburg
Died 4 Mar 1906 in Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky
The actual death certificate is available online. It states that he lived in the city fo 55 years.
Hello Marylin,
do you have something about the surname Timphaus, Timphus in the database?
Hi, Jan.
Do you have some more information -- names, dates, etc.?
Hello Marilyn,
Franz Anton Timphaus/Timphus emmigrated in 1869 to the US..
I know that he immigrated back to germany but i don´t know when.
Regards Jan
Hello Marilyn,
thank you for cheking some sources.
I saw also Henry Peppersack, he could be a brother of Bernard (Barney), but I must check this.
I found a marriage record of his doughter Mary Peppersack.
Married 27.Jan.1875 in Damme to Henrich Bosche.
Notice: born 19.Feb.1855 in Covington Amerika
This girl is listed at the Census 1860 of Covington as doughter Mary of Barney Pepersack, 5 years old.
All 4 children born in KY, his wife is Margaret, born about 1814. I think this couple married in the States.
That's the reason why I assume that this family came back to Damme.
Thank you,
Werner Honkomp
You're welcome, Werner.
One doesn't often hear of immigrants going back to Germany. Most didn't have the money. I know that was the case with my great-grandparents. Mom said that if they'd had the money, they'd have turned around and gone right back. I'm rather glad they didn't. 
hi Werner. Do you have any record of Johann Frederich Wilhelm Greve going back to Germany in 1846 or 1847? Betty Allured
Yes, he came through Baltimore 27 Sep 1869 on the ship Ohio. He had departed from Bremen. He was 24.
I'm guessing the Frank Timphaus, who appears in Cincinnati city directories 1870, 1876, 1877, might be he.
There's an Anton Timphaus, born 1843 in Mühlen, who served on ships' crews from 1860 to 1872.
The 1870 census shows a Henry Timphus, born 1844 in Prussia, living in Cincinnati, OHio
Frank or "F" Timphus shows up in 1872, 1873, and 1874 Cincinnati city directories.
Hope this helps. If he returned to Germany, it looks as if it was after 1874.
Hello Betty,
do you know where your Greve was born or came from?