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Viele Grüße
Ulrich Kretschmer
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Build A Better GEDCOM
The following announcement was written by the BUILD A BetterGEDCOM group:
A grass roots initiative to improve data exchange among genealogists
Tuesday Nov 9, 2010. Alexandria, VA. A group of genealogists and programmers
have established a workspace called Build A BetterGEDCOM for developing better
data exchange standards to facilitate sharing between researchers using a
variety of technology platforms, genealogy products and services.
"Genealogy software users are painfully aware that sharing data with other
researchers is difficult since the existing GEDCOM (GENealogy Data
COMmunication) file transfer script hasn't been updated in 14 years. In the
meantime genealogists have incorporated tools with expanded capabilities
reflecting changing technology," says Russ Worthington, a genealogy software
power user and popular genealogy lecturer.
In developing a wiki site for pulling together genealogy software
programmers, website developers and end users, genealogy blogger DearMYRTLE
explains "The focus is cooperation. We seek solutions that will enable regular
researchers like me to share genealogy with cousins regardless of the
genealogy program they've chosen to use. The current GEDCOM file exchange
strips out much of my hard work, leaving only some of the data I've typed and
attached to each well-documented ancestor. We experience similar problems when
uploading and downloading our genealogy data with popular genealogy websites.
If all genealogy product developers agree to a BetterGEDCOM format, such
problems will be overcome."
The BetterGEDCOM wiki site is open to all, and is located at
"BetterGEDCOM will be independent. This means no single entity who has an
interest in our work will be the single driving force. Likewise, no work that
anyone has done will be the defined starting place or the de facto basis of
our work." says Greg Lamberson, the technician who developed initial pages at
the BetterGEDCOM wiki. "We also seek to account for language and cultural
differences as we develop data standards for recording family history
information in text and multi-media formats. Input from BetterGEDCOM
participants the world over is a vital component of this initiative."
"BetterGEDCOM will seek ISO recognition or recognition by other
international standards bodies," continues Greg. "This has never been done in
the genealogical community. This means we will have to be a community effort
with participation by a substantial part of the genealogical technology
community. Also, unlike previous efforts, having standards actually codified
will provide developers a framework to resolve ambiguities, conflicts or other
problems that may develop in using the standard as well as a way to correct or
amend the standard as needed."
"Indeed everyone seems to be ready for something new," says Greg. "Every
person I have talked to agrees that now is the time for action. The
BetterGEDCOM project invites all to participate so that we may achieve
meaningful results."